
Groundfish Stakeholder Engagement

Building networks of fishing communities to ensure ecologic and economic resilience

The Fisheries Technical Assistance Program supports adaptive fishing communities in the Gulf of Maine by engaging marine stakeholders to share knowledge, learn, and make decisions that nurture ecologic and economic resilience. We assist the fishing industry to assess, prepare for and thrive under change, serve as impartial conveners to fisheries stakeholders and managers, and facilitate learning experiences to help harbor the future success of fishing communities in the Gulf of Maine.

Project Goals:

  • Facilitate collaborative efforts within New England’s commercial fishing industry to promote the long-term prosperity of local fisheries and fishing communities.
  • Create neutral spaces where where marine stakeholders can freely share ideas, resources, experiences, and better management practices.
  • Build adaptive capacities in our fishing communities by working together towards common goals in the face of dynamic challenges.
The front page of a report.

Read the Sector Management Report

Project Team

Project Partner

New England fishery management council logo

The New England Fisheries Management Council (NEFMC) commissioned GMRI to conduct a series of port meetings to solicit public comment regarding catch share management in the NE Multispecies fishery.

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