
The FishSCORE2030 Network

Connecting people to advance fisheries resilience.

The FishSCORE2030 Network is a forum for information exchange about climate-resilient fisheries strategies. This Network will help increase collaboration and communication across geographies and disciplines to develop information, frameworks, and strategies for assessing and enhancing climate resilience in marine fisheries.

The FishSCORE2030 Network will:

  • Create opportunities to facilitate information exchange and learning about climate and fisheries.
  • Support collaborative projects and partnerships to understand how climate change is impacting different fisheries and how fisheries are adapting or transforming as they face new conditions.
  • Identify conditions that impede or enhance climate resilience in fisheries and synthesize information on scientific, management, societal, and policy strategies to support diverse pathways to resilience.
  • Encourage the exchange of results and synthesis of information across local and regional experiences to identify global insights for climate-resilient fisheries.
This is a graphic describing the FishSCORE2030 network.

Coordination Group

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