
Research Experience for Undergraduates

Providing undergraduates with cutting edge research opportunities.

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) sites provide students from diverse backgrounds the chance to immerse themselves in their host institutions' research methods and cultures. At GMRI, one of nearly 700 NSF-funded REU sites across the country, we introduce students to an exciting diversity of marine and fisheries science opportunities. Students lead projects in fisheries ecosystem research, with a particular focus on the impacts of Gulf of Maine warming trends, and develop skills that prepare them for what to expect in graduate school or related research careers.

Project Goals:

  • Provide an authentic, inclusive summer research experience for a diverse range of undergraduate students.
  • Facilitate independent, student-led research projects that contribute to our understanding of the Gulf of Maine ecosystem.
  • Prepare students for graduate school and fulfilling careers in STEM fields.

An REU student is about to drop a lobster trap off the side of the boat.
Field work is an important component of the REU program at GMRI.
Students sit around a table with their laptops.
Students hone their analytical skills in our REU workshops.
REU students in red diving gear pose for a photo.
Undergraduates have the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills. Here, they prepare for a survival training exercise.

REU Mentors

Program Sponsor

This is the national science foundation logo.

This program is made possible through the generous support of the National Science Foundation.

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