
Understanding the Problem and Setting Goals

Proactively addressing climate risks.

Fisheries in the Northeast US face a range of climate change impacts. To prepare for future change and develop adaptation actions, an important first step is to understand the parts of the fishery system that will be a focus for adaptation and to consider the goals that are important to the fishery and community.

In brief:

  • Climate planning and adaptation involves buffering negative impacts of climate change and capitalizing on beneficial opportunities.
  • Before selecting or implementing adaptation options, it can be useful to identify broader community goals and priorities, helping to ensure that incremental resilience actions contribute to a broader vision.
  • Adaptation actions are most effective when they consider ecological, social, economic, and governance dimensions of the fishery and focus on the key elements, actors, and relationships within it.

Understanding climate hazards

The next step in climate adaptation planning is understanding climate hazards and exposure levels.

Staff Contact

Please contact Dr. Kathy Mills with any questions.

Kathy Mills, Ph.D.
Kathy Mills, Ph.D. Senior Scientist (207) 228-1657 [email protected]

Project Sponsor

The information within this site was funded and supported by the NOAA Climate Program Office through the Coastal and Ocean Climate Applications program under awards NA15OAR3410120 and NA19OAR4310384.

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