
Access and Adaptation in Maine's Marine Fisheries

Fostering fishing industry adaptation to climate-driven species shifts.

Climate-driven shifts in species distributions along the Northeast Shelf are increasingly impacting marine fisheries. Enabling Maine’s fishing industry to capitalize on opportunities created by emerging species requires examining current and future access to permits and licenses for state- and federally-managed species. Through quantitative analyses and stakeholder conversations, this project will advance an understanding of current permitting issues and develop recommendations to support climate adaptation of Maine’s fisheries.

Project Goals:

  • Identify changes in permit and license portfolios held by Maine fishing vessels and examine the extent to which these confer access to emerging species.
  • Examine patterns of Northeast U.S. regional permit transfers and associated drivers.
  • Understand permitting issues that limit the ability of harvesters to adapt to shifting stocks and develop recommendations to overcome current constraints.

Project Team

Project Sponsor

Material mentioned on this page is a result of research funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Sea Grant Office under award NA22OAR4170121.

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