
Blue w(AI)ve Accelerator

A partnership between Gulf of Maine Ventures and the Roux Institute at Northeastern University to drive blue technology innovation.

The Blue w(AI)ve program is the first-of-its-kind 16-week accelerator based out of Portland, Maine. We focus on early-stage companies leveraging artificial intelligence in ocean-based solutions. Applications for the 2024 cohort are now closed.

Our Program Offers:

  • AI Advancement: Leverage AI like never before with a dedicated AI consulting team valued at up to $25,000 to help move your team’s product roadmap to the next stage.
  • Unparalleled Expertise: Our experts-in-residence are industry leaders, bringing decades of experience and success to the table.
  • Investment Readiness: Our goal is to fast-track your innovations, helping you achieve your milestones and objectives sooner. Gain access to resources and financial experts that can turn guide you to investment readiness.
  • Tailored Support: Each cohort of residence experts is customized to meet your unique needs, ensuring the perfect fit for your project.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with a vast network of professionals, collaborators, and investors who can propel your ideas to greater heights.
Discover the standout companies from our inaugural Blue w(AI)ve accelerator program in our retrospective video! Explore how these startups benefited from support by the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, the Roux Institute, and the Institute for Experiential AI.

Blue w(AI)ve Alumni: Cohort 1

Blue Latitudes (CA) is working to transform offshore platforms into permanent artificial reefs. The company has developed FishLAT , Fisheries Location Assessment Technology, which is a spatial planning tool utilizing AI to provide location-specific fisheries information to help inform decisions on offshore energy removal, reefing, or installation.

Coastal Carbon (Kitchener, Ontario) provides underwater remote monitoring for seaweed aquaculture and ocean restoration.

Coastal Measures (Durham, NH) is an environmental data company that uses AI and other data science techniques to seamlessly bridge the gap between raw data and informed decisions for customers in aquaculture, renewable energy capture, insurance, and risk management and mitigation.

Deep Voice (Tel Aviv, Israel) is developing an AI-based passive acoustics monitoring system currently focused on the conservation of marine mammals.

LOOKOUT (Boston, MA) is commercializing an AI marine camera system with 360-degree computer vision and augmented navigation that plugs into any standard helm display. Their product synthesizes data from charts, AIS, computer vision, and the cloud, then fuses it into one intuitive, 3D augmented reality view to improve situational awareness and spot hazards for boaters.

Nekton Labs (San Francisco, CA) leverages ocean sensing and AI to measure, verify, and predict marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) with high accuracy and precision.

SeaDeep (Boston, MA) develops AI to map, monitor, and explore the ocean.

Cross Institutional Accelerator Team

  • Headshot of Blaine Grimes

    Blaine Grimes

    Chief Ventures Officer, GMRI

  • Headshot of Lucy Barrett

    Lucy Barrett

    Senior Manager, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, GMRI

    [email protected]
  • A portrait of a man smiling.

    Tim Agnew

    General Partner

    Bold Ocean Ventures

    [email protected]
  • A portrait of a man smiling.

    Brady Bohrmann

    Managing General Partner

    Bold Ocean Ventures

    [email protected]
  • This is a portrait of a man smiling.

    Benjamin Chesler

    Director of Venture Creation and Acceleration, Roux Institute

    Roux Institute

    [email protected]
  • This is a portrait of a man smiling.

    Auroop R. Ganguly, Ph.D.

    Director, AI for Climate & Sustainability

    The Roux Institute

    [email protected]
  • This is a portrait of a man smiling.

    Chris Wolfel

    Associate Vice President and Head of Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation, Roux Institute

    [email protected]
  • This is a portrait of a man smiling.

    James Shanahan, Ph.D.

    Director of AI Solutions Hub

    The Roux Institute

    [email protected]

Accelerator Leads

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