
Evaluating Age Structure, Aging Bias and Mixed Stock Composition of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna in the Northwest Atlantic

Improving our understanding about Atlantic bluefin tuna.

Atlantic bluefin tuna are one of the oceans most magnificent fish. They can grow up to 12 feet in length, weigh almost 2,000 pounds, and migrate tens of thousands of miles each year. Humans have used these fish as sources of local protein for thousands of years, and now as product of commerce in commercial fisheries. Many recreational anglers also target bluefin due to their size, strength, and the quality of their meat. Despite decades of study, many of the most important aspects of this fish's life elude us. Over the past two decades scientists have invested substantial time and funding studying the life history of these fish to learn more about their biology, improve our ability to assess the status of their stocks, and ultimately improve their sustainability.

Research Goals:

  • Maintain a large biological sampling network of commercial and recreationally landed bluefin tuna.
  • Estimate growth rate and age composition for bluefin tuna landed along the US east coast in commercial and recreational fisheries.
  • Estimate levels of stock mixing for US landings.
  • Provide tissues for developing and novel genetic techniques to assess population biomass.

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