
Fisheries Engagement Program

Helping local fisheries and fishing communities adapt to changes.

Our Fisheries Engagement Program provides a range of technical, convening, and innovation services to New England's commercial fishing industry to promote the long-term prosperity of local fisheries and fishing communities.

Fisheries Engagement Projects

The Fisheries Engagement Program provides local fisheries and fishing communities with a wide range of services and resources to build adaptive capacity, sustainability, and resiliency in the face of climate change. Explore our individual fisheries engagement projects in more detail below.

  • Reduce Your Cod Bycatch with the ULOT Net

    Reduce Your Cod Bycatch with the ULOT Net

    Struggling to avoid cod and haddock? We have the right net for you.

  • Groundfish Stakeholder Engagement

    Groundfish Stakeholder Engagement

    The Fisheries Technical Assistance Program supports adaptive fishing communities in the Gulf of Maine by engaging marine stakeholders to share knowledge, learn, and make decisions …

  • Groundfish Management Strategy Evaluation

    Groundfish Management Strategy Evaluation

    The impacts of climate change on marine fisheries resources are increasing. Some groundfish stocks, such as Georges Bank cod, have declined to record-low biomass in …

  • Electronic Monitoring (EM)

    Electronic Monitoring (EM)

    In an attempt to reduce the expense of at-sea monitoring, we are working with managers and fishermen to develop cost-effective alternatives. Electronic monitoring (EM) offers …

  • Offshore Wind Program

    Offshore Wind Program

    Our offshore wind program will provide interested stakeholders with the best available information about the risks, opportunities, and uncertainties associated with offshore wind development.

  • Improving Seafood Quality

    Improving Seafood Quality

    Our goal is to implement a suite of region-wide quality handling improvements to boost the market demand and value for seafood harvested by New England …

Fisheries Engagement Program Team

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