
Improving Seafood Quality

Putting Gulf of Maine fishermen in position to compete with global markets.

Competing in a massive global seafood marketplace, one in which the US imports roughly 90% of the seafood we eat, is a huge challenge facing local fishermen. Compared to larger regions like Alaska or northern Europe, we cannot always achieve the quantities seen on the global stage here in the Gulf of Maine. This means that our best opportunity for a strong seafood economy in our region is to compete on quality. We believe there is great potential to improve the value of our seafood – and the livelihoods of fishing families – by reaching premium quality levels.

Project Goals:

  • Update practices and equipment for quality handling at every step of the local seafood supply chain.
  • Provide education and training opportunities about how to achieve premium seafood quality.
  • Bring seafood supply chain stakeholders together to collectively improve seafood quality and the value of seafood in our region.
This image shows a white circle with a white outline of bills inside centered over a seafood section of a grocery store.

The Barriers Preventing New England’s Finfish from Entering the Market and How to Overcome Them

Through a series of interviews and meetings with fishermen, processors, and buyers from around New England, we were able to identify that quality improvement and marketplace competition were major challenges. For more results from those interviews, please download the report below.

Staff Contact

Kyle Foley
Kyle Foley Sustainable Seafood Director (207) 228-1670 [email protected]

Project Partner

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