
The Open Knowledge Network to Meet Ocean Decision Challenges (OceanOKN)

Tackling modern challenges with transformative approaches

Throughout history, people have been able to rely on their past experience to inform their decisions about the future. We are now entering a period of rapid change where the past is no longer a reliable guide. There is a critical need for tools to help individuals, communities, government agencies, and businesses make decisions that anticipate changes. The Open Knowledge Network to Meet Ocean Decision Challenges (OceanOKN) will enable a transformative approach to forward-looking, climate-informed decision making in fisheries.

Project Goals:

  • Build a knowledge graph that integrates downscaled climate projections with diverse ocean, fish, and fisheries data.
  • Advance application of models that use the Ocean OKN for projecting future fish distribution and abundance.
  • Help stakeholders address difficult fisheries management decisions by supporting the integration of climate considerations into their strategic planning and risk management.

Project Team

  • This is the staff photo for lisa kerr

    Lisa Kerr, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor, UMaine School of Marine Sciences

  • Andrew Pershing, Ph.D.

    Adjunct Scientist & Former Chief Scientific Officer

Project Sponsor

This is the national science foundation logo.

This project is made possible through the generous support of the National Science Foundation.

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