The FishSCORE2030 Network
Connecting people to advance fisheries resilience.
The FishSCORE2030 Network is a forum for information exchange about climate-resilient fisheries strategies. This Network will help increase collaboration and communication across geographies and disciplines to develop information, frameworks, and strategies for assessing and enhancing climate resilience in marine fisheries.
The FishSCORE2030 Network will:
- Create opportunities to facilitate information exchange and learning about climate and fisheries.
- Support collaborative projects and partnerships to understand how climate change is impacting different fisheries and how fisheries are adapting or transforming as they face new conditions.
- Identify conditions that impede or enhance climate resilience in fisheries and synthesize information on scientific, management, societal, and policy strategies to support diverse pathways to resilience.
- Encourage the exchange of results and synthesis of information across local and regional experiences to identify global insights for climate-resilient fisheries.
Fisheries Strategies for Changing Oceans and Resilient Ecosystems by 2030
Fisheries Strategies for Changing Oceans and Resilient Ecosystems by 2030 (FishSCORE2030) is working to sustain fisheries as a global source of food and jobs, while protecting ocean ecosystem health and enhancing equitable benefits from fisheries. FishSCORE2030 is built on the core principles of inclusivity, equity, and diversity that will inform and strengthen collaborations and partnerships. The program will result in direct outputs such as context-specific climate resilient strategies and synthetic outputs such as science and policy recommendations. A key outcome of the program and the FishSCORE2030 Network will be the development and implementation of practices that increase climate resilience in fisheries while simultaneously increasing the sustainability of marine ecosystems and food systems, and equity and agency of the people and communities that rely on them.

What is the FishSCORE Network?
The FishSCORE2030 Network is a forum for information exchange about climate-resilient fisheries strategies. Through workshops, seminar series, and topic-based working groups, the network will inform science-to-practice climate adaptive fisheries strategies by:
- Creating opportunities to facilitate information exchange and learning about climate and fisheries,
- Supporting collaborative projects and partnerships to understand how climate change is impacting different fisheries and how fisheries are transforming to adapt to new conditions,
- Identifying conditions that impede or enhance climate resilience in fisheries and synthesize information on scientific, management, societal, and policy strategies to support diverse pathways to resilience.
- Encouraging the exchange of results and synthesis of information across local/regional experiences to identify global insights for climate-resilient fisheries.
This Network will help increase collaboration and communication across geographies and disciplines to develop information, frameworks, and strategies for assessing and enhancing climate resilience in marine fisheries.
Who makes up the FishSCORE2030 network?
Supporting transformative change and growth in fisheries requires linking climate and social-ecological system change to social and economic outcomes. As such, the Network includes community practitioners, local knowledge holders, climate scientists, oceanographers, ecologists, economists, social scientists, policy and management experts, fishers and industry members, fisheries managers, and others with knowledge and experience in sustainable fisheries. By harnessing this interdisciplinary knowledge, the network will identify, implement, and synthesize practices to develop new predictive models, forward-looking information, and science-to-application frameworks.
Join the Network to receive email newsletters and to learn about webinars, in-person workshops, topic-based working groups, and collaborative efforts.
Return to the FishSCORE2030 home page.
Coordination Group
Upcoming FishSCORE2030 Events
Feb Webinar: Topics at the nexus of climate change, fisheries & blue foods
A webinar series highlighting the impact of climate change on fisheries, aquaculture, and the communities who depend on them.
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FishSCORE2030: Supporting Climate-Resilience in Fisheries
GMRI Research Scientist Dr. Kathy Mills is leading a new collaborative effort to build an international network of scientists, stakeholders, and practitioners who will identify …
Supporting climate-resilient fisheries during the UN Decade of Ocean Science
Press Clips
GMRI Scientist Awarded Prestigious CINAR Fellowship
Senior Research Scientist Dr. Kathy Mills is one of four researchers awarded the CINAR Fellowship in Quantitative Fisheries and Ecosystem Science.
New: Climate & Fisheries Planning Tool
The Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP) working group on climate-resilient fisheries, led by GMRI Senior Research Scientist Dr. Kathy Mills, recently developed a …