
South Portland Sea-to-School

Connecting the cafeteria, the classroom, and the community.

We are partnered with the South Portland School Nutrition Program and the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association to establish a model for a comprehensive sea-to-school program – one that addresses the need for healthier meals, supports local fishermen, promotes cultural inclusion, and fosters community engagement. This collaborative approach strengthens the community's connection to the school, making the project a shared endeavor that benefits everyone involved.

Project Goals:

  • Build a robust sea-to-school program by focusing on all three facets of farm-to-school: cafeteria, classroom, and community.
  • Increase scratch cooking with culturally diverse seafood recipes through local seafood trainings for food service staff.
  • Engage with teachers to expand use of local seafood curriculum for middle schoolers.
  • Explore business models for currently subsidized local fish and increase local seafood procurement by K-12 schools.
  • Engage the broader community through a series of parent-focused events.

Seafood being served in a school cafeteria.
Seafood being made in a school cafeteria kitchen.

Project Team

Project Partners

Project Sponsor

This project is part of the Partnerships for Local Agriculture & Nutrition Transformation in Schools (PLANTS) Grant program, which is funded by the USDA Food & Service Healthy Meals Incentives Initiative and is administered by Chef Ann Foundation.

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