
Supporting Resilience

Continuing to strengthen resilience into the future.

Adapting to climate change and strengthening resilience takes time and sustained efforts. In addition to the information on this site, there are many resources and tools available to help in decision-making for strengthening and managing climate resilience in fisheries.

In brief:

  • Supporting fisheries resilience to climate change in the long term requires sustained effort and action.
  • There are many resources and tools available to help with adaptation decision-making, implementation and evaluation, at all stages of the process.

Climate Adaptation in Fisheries Resource Hub

Return to the main page for easy access to our climate adaptation planning pathway.

Staff Contact

Please contact Dr. Kathy Mills with any questions.

Kathy Mills, Ph.D.
Kathy Mills, Ph.D. Senior Scientist (207) 228-1657 [email protected]

Project Sponsor

The information within this site was funded and supported by the NOAA Climate Program Office through the Coastal and Ocean Climate Applications program under awards NA15OAR3410120 and NA19OAR4310384.

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