
Understanding Climate Impacts on Fisheries

Climate change impacts on fisheries.

Fisheries are facing a range of impacts associated with climate hazards. Key challenges center on the effects of ocean warming on marine life, fisheries, and communities. Our research has explored how future changes in ocean warming may affect the distribution of marine species and their availability to regional fishing communities.

In brief:

  • The rate and magnitude of climate impacts affecting Northeast US fisheries is growing, resulting in fisheries and their associated communities being vulnerable to changing ecosystem conditions.
  • Species distributions are shifting, with many moving northwards, resulting in changing species interactions and community dynamics.
  • Changes in catch and landings composition, gear and fleet diversity, and fishing behavior are changing how fisheries operate along the Northeast coastline.
  • Our interactive map below provides information for 16 communities regarding future changes in species distributions and implications for their fisheries.
Average annual observed (black line) sea surface temperature (SST) on the Northeast Shelf for 1982-2023, and projected SST (red line, mean; orange shading, 5%-95% range from the climate model ensemble) for SSP5-8.5 scenario. Years are noted when average warming of 1° C, 2° C, 3° C, and 4° C off of a 2010-2019 SST baseline is experienced; these thresholds are used in subsequent analyses presented in the community reports.
Average annual observed (black line) sea surface temperature (SST) on the Northeast Shelf for 1982-2023, and projected SST (red line, mean; orange shading, 5%-95% range from the climate model ensemble) for SSP5-8.5 scenario. Years are noted when average warming of 1° C, 2° C, 3° C, and 4° C off of a 2010-2019 SST baseline is experienced; these thresholds are used in subsequent analyses presented in the community reports.
Maps of the Northeast Shelf showing the modeled distribution of haddock for 2010-2019 (left) and projected changes in the biomass distribution of this species for 1° C of warming over the Northeast Shelf region under the SSP5-8.5 climate scenario (right).
Maps of the Northeast Shelf showing the modeled distribution of haddock for 2010-2019 (left) and projected changes in the biomass distribution of this species for 1° C of warming over the Northeast Shelf region under the SSP5-8.5 climate scenario (right).

Find your fishing community

Find your fishing community on the interactive map above to learn more about the expected impacts to fishing in your region.

This is an interactive map highlighting different fishing communities along the coast.

Planning for change

Once you've taken the steps to understand the problem, the hazards, and the impacts to your fisheries system, it's time to plan your adaptations.

Staff Contact

Please contact Dr. Kathy Mills with any questions.

Kathy Mills, Ph.D.
Kathy Mills, Ph.D. Senior Scientist (207) 228-1657 [email protected]

Project Sponsor

The information within this site was funded and supported by the NOAA Climate Program Office through the Coastal and Ocean Climate Applications program under awards NA15OAR3410120 and NA19OAR4310384.

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