2022–23 Education Impact Report: Empowering our Next Generation of Climate Scientists

Reports | Jan 25, 2024

Our education team strives to inform and inspire the next generation of climate scientists by engaging students in authentic science and supporting educators working to do the same. By helping students develop and deepen confidence, competence, and curiosity in science, we aim to position them as lifelong learners who will support healthy ocean ecosystems, sustainable seafood practices, and the blue economy workforce.

Read on to see some of the ways our education team made an impact across the state and beyond in the 2022 – 2023 school year.

This is a shot with a microscope focused in the foreground on the right, with two blurred students in the background.

Numbers at a Glance

When you zoom out, it's easy to see the broad impact our education team has on students and educators in our region.

Students engaged

Across our education programs, we supported STEM learning for thousands of students.

A student raises her hand in our Cohen Center for Interactive Learning.
Educators supported

Ensuring that educators have the resources, curriculum, and connections they need is a top priority of our education team.

Educators are gathered around a table engaging in a professional development activity.
School and Organizational Partners

Our work supports schools and organizations, spanning formal (classroom) and informal (community) educators — reaching students in every step of their learning pathways.

Two women look at a paper on a table.

2022 – 2023 LabVenture Service Map

Use this interactive service map to see what schools experienced our LabVenture program.

A map of the state of Maine with orange dots placed throughout.

LabVenture Numbers at a Glance

Students engaged

In the 2022-23 school year, we supported STEM learning for a diverse range of students across the state of Maine for free.

Students gather around an interactive table and observe lobsters.
Increased Access

Almost half of the students who experienced LabVenture for free in the 2022-23 school year came from low-to-moderate income households.

A blue, LabVenture decorated coach bus sits in a parking lot.
Counties served

The LabVenture learning experience reaches students from all of Maine's 16 counties.

Three educators are gathered around an interactive touch table, and are handling live lobsters.
Professional Development

We developed and delivered professional development to 55 educators that help them take lessons from LabVenture back to their classrooms.

We learned many things during our experience at GMRI, we covered topics about black sea bass, plankton, and lobsters. We even got to hold these majestic creatures and learn about how these animals affect our ecosystem. We are so glad to have experienced such a cool field trip to the coast.

Lya, Aubrey, Autumn, and Paige Students from Franklin County

We especially enjoy this program for the opportunities it provides to students to see real science at work. They also see that there are science careers available for them in their home state. Having the financial aspect of the trip covered through your generosity is what allows us to incorporate this trip into our students’ sixth grade experience.

Ms. Hopkins Educator, Kennebec County

Statewide LabVenture Supporter

Poland Spring is a statewide partner in delivering LabVenture through their Good Neighbor grant program. Poland Spring supports GMRI to help foster the next generation of water stewards.

Lead LabVenture Supporters

See appendix for full list of LabVenture supporters.

Community Science Numbers at a Glance

Students engaged

We reached over 5,000 students in their communities to ensure they can conduct scientific inquiries around the ecosystems that matter to them.

People are walking over a small temporary pool of water in a wooded area.
Classrooms supported

We provided community science oriented curriculum to classrooms throughout Maine and beyond — from the coast to the forests.

Students from East End Community School identify an invasive European green crab
Data points collected

Whether it was counting invasive green crabs, hemlock woolly adelgids, or data from another project, students collected an impressive amount of data.

A young girl sits on a rocky beach with a notepad.
Making a difference

Nearly all students surveyed reported feeling like they were making a difference in their local environments by participating in community science efforts.

I liked knowing that there were lots of other people working on the same thing.

I enjoyed being able to go outside and figure out answers that no one else knew.

Findings from the Field Numbers at a Glance

Students engaged

Students work together to conduct, reflect on, and share scientific investigations in a peer-reviewed science journal.

magnifying glass, pencil, ruler, and clipboard icons on a blue background
Student publications

Student contributions to the journal undergo a process of peer and editorial board review before publication.

This is a stack of academic journals on a table.
Students photograph a marine animal on a white platform as a teacher looks on.
Participating schools

Students from eight schools became scientists, conducting and writing about real-world research.

Educators supported

Our education team provided professional development opportunities for educators looking to connect their students to authentic scientific work.

An Educator's Experience with Findings

This is a portrait of a woman smiling.
Laura Seaver Educator

As I was teaching my 5th graders about the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid this year I realized that the Findings from the Field articles could be a great resource for my students. I've always wanted a way to introduce students to the scientific article format, but generally scientific articles are written at a really high reading level. Since "Findings" articles are written by middle schoolers they are much more accessible. They also show the relevance of what we are studying — reading these articles written by other students both from our school and other schools shows that this is an issue that matters in our town and in our state. It was also really cool for my students to realize that some of these articles were written by older students who they actually know from town, or in one case, an older sibling had co-written one of the articles. Findings articles have the right kind of information, written at the right reading level, and show students where they might go as they pursue science.

Appendix: Supporters

General Education

  • Ash Tree Fund
  • Morton Kelly Charitable Trust
  • Schiavi Family Foundation


  • Poland Spring
  • Edwin S. Webster Foundation
  • Wayfair
  • Tom's of Maine
  • Abbott Diagnostics Scarborough, Inc.
  • Alfred M. Senter Fund
  • Arlene Briard
  • Bangor Savings Bank
  • Bank of America Charitable Foundation
  • Bath Iron Works
  • Bath Savings Institution
  • Charles C. Butt
  • Cianbro Charitable Foundation
  • Clark Insurance
  • George P. Davenport Trust Fund
  • Harold H. Dudley Charitable Fund
  • Hyman Family Foundation
  • Katahdin Trust Company
  • Kennebunk Savings Bank
  • Kleinschmidt Group
  • LL Bean
  • M&T Bank
  • Machias Savings Bank
  • Marr-Anderson Family Foundation
  • MMG Insurance Company
  • Norway Savings Bank
  • Old Bug Light Charitable Foundation
  • onsemi
  • Phineas W. Sprague Memorial Foundation
  • Pond Family Foundation
  • Portland Pipe Line Corporation
  • R.H. Reny’s, Inc.
  • Reny Charitable Foundation
  • RBC Wealth Management, USA
  • Robert G. & Jane V. Engel Foundation
  • Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution
  • Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation
  • Skowhegan Savings Bank
  • TD Charitable Foundation
  • WesaDoe Fund

We also work closely with a team of committed partners and vendors who are critical in executing our program: Cyr Bus Lines, Custom Coach, and Upswell.

  • Statewide Supporter
  • Lead Supporters
  • Additional Supporters

Community Science

  • The Onion Foundation
  • Kettering Family Foundation
  • Robert and Dorothy Goldberg Charitable Trust
  • Margaret E. Burnham Charitable Trust

Findings from the Field

  • Dorr Foundation
  • Unum
  • Davis Family Foundation

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