Our board of directors and other advisors support the complex, multidisciplinary, and entrepreneurial nature of our work.

Science Advisory Committee
Dorothy Dankel
University of Bergen
Mary Fabrizio
Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences
Gisele Magnusson
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Richard Merrick
NOAA (retired)
Steven Murawski
University of South Florida
Rob Stephenson
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Pat Sullivan
Cornell University
Education Advisory Committee
Margaret Honey
New York Hall of Science
Jennifer LaBonte
Lewiston Public Schools, Maine
Victor Lee
Stanford University
Kal Mannis
Arizona Science Center
Eve Manz
Boston University
Penny Noyce
Tumblehome Learning, Inc.
Aaron Price
Museum of Science & Industry
Darren Ranco
University of Maine
Justin Reich
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Katie Spellman
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Martin Storksdieck
Oregon State University
Abby Wark
Kerrie Wilkins-Yel
University of Massachusetts, Boston