
Gulf of Maine Seafood Guide

Welcome, Bienvenue, Bienvenidos, Bem-vindo, أهلا بك, 欢迎, Chào mừng, សូមស្វាគមន៍!

New England has a long history and culture of fishing. A wide range of fish, shellfish, and sea vegetables are harvested here and can be found in local grocery stores, fish markets, and restaurants. Explore what the Gulf of Maine has to offer!

There's a wide range of tasty seafood in the Gulf of Maine.

  • See below to learn about the different types of fish, shellfish, and sea vegetables from the Gulf of Maine.
  • Voir ci-dessous pour en savoir plus sur les différents types de poissons, crustacés et légumes de mer du Golfe du Maine.
  • Vea a continuación los diferentes tipos de pescados, mariscos, y vegetales marinos del Golfo de Maine.
  • Veja abaixo informações sobre diferentes tipos de peixes, mariscos e vegetais marinhos do Golfo de Maine.
  • انظر أدناه للتعرف على الأنواع المختلفة من الأسماك والمحار جيلخنمةيرحبلاتاورضخلاوما.ني
  • 请看下面的内容,了解来自缅因湾的不同类型的鱼、贝类和海洋蔬菜。
  • Xem bên dưới để biết hướng dẫn về hải sản Vịnh Maine.
  • សូមមើលខាងក្រោមសម្រាប់មគ្គុទ្ទេសក៍អាហារសមុទ្រឈូងសមុទ្រ Maine ។

Some are round fish with thick fillets.

Such as haddock, hake, and pollock.

An illustration of a haddock.
An illustration of a pollock.
An illustration of a white hake.

Some are flat fish with thin fillets.

Such as flounders like plaice or dabs, grey sole, fluke, and halibut.

An illustration of a halibut.
An illustration of a sole.

Some are particularly good for cooking whole, with small bones.

Such as Acadian redfish, black sea bass, whiting, and scup.

An illustration of a black sea bass.
An illustration of a scup.

Some fish have meatier or denser meat, and strong flavors that hold up well in stews, roasting, or grilling.

Such as monkfish, dogfish, or skate.

An illustration of a dogfish.
An illustration of a monkfish.
An illustration of a winter skate.

Some fish are stronger-flavored, oily, and rich in healthy fats.

Such as mackerel, bluefish, bluefin tuna, and herring.

An illustration of a mackerel.
An illustration of a bluefish.

There's a wide variety of shellfish.

Such as lobster, crab, clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, whelks, periwinkles, squid, and urchins.

An illustration of a squid.
An illustration of an oyster.
An illustration of a jonah crab.

And nutritious sea vegetables.

Such as kelp and alaria.

An illustration of kelp.

Project Sponsor

This project is generously funded by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation.

Project Partners

Staff Contact

Contact our Sustainable Seafood Program Manager Kyle Foley if you have any questions.

Kyle Foley
Kyle Foley Sustainable Seafood Director (207) 228-1670 [email protected]

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